Sermon Library

Select this line to access sermons preached before April 2019.
Otherwise use the drop-down list below to select your interest, then select “GO!” Click here for more instructions

Help in using the table

Find a sermon/event: Select the words Year, Scripture, Speaker, or Topic in the drop-down to bring up all the files in those categories when you click/press GO! You may need to use the page icons under the table to move to additional files.

View or listen: After the table reloads, either select a video/speaker icon at the left or a title to open a new tab with a player/viewer.

Download: There are several ways to download a file. 1) Right-click on the speaker/camera icon or the title, then select “Save Link as” or 2) left-click on either the icon or title to bring up the player/viewer, then use the hamburger icon on the right of the player to access a download selection.

Scripture pop-up: With a mouse: hover over a Scripture reference to pop up the text. Clicking the reference will open up a bible site to it. If the reference is too large (like a whole book) there will be no pop-up. If no pop-up appears for short Bible references use your browser to reload the page and try again.

With a touch screen: touch the scripture reference to bring up the pop-up. Hold your finger on the reference to open to it.